Skye Loto finds flexibility with Semester for Impact

Friday, April 19, 2024
Skye Loto in the woods.

Skye 乐透彩票, junior majoring in analytical economics at Paul College, 通过“影响学期”项目找到了实习的灵活性和机会吗.

Skye Loto热衷于关注环境和社会公益的企业. 当时她正在寻找一份实习工作,以帮助她在这一领域积累实践经验, she discovered the Semester for Impact program.  

Semester for Impact is offered by the College for Social Innovation in Boston, Massachusetts, 并将主要研究本科生与花岗岩州立组织配对,以支持与积极的环境和社会影响相关的项目. Semester for Impact is a companion program to Semester in the City, offered through the Changemaker Collaborative.  

“I would’ve loved to participate in Semester in the City, but I had one economics course on campus that I had to take in person,” Loto says. "Semester for Impact has allowed me to stay in Durham, take that course, 完成实习并修满本学期所需的16个学分, which I thought was beneficial and very flexible.”    

乐透彩票, junior majoring in analytical economics at the 主要研究 彼得T. 保罗商业经济学院和文科学院的政治科学, is one of four students participating in the first Semester for Impact at 主要研究.  

Loto is doing her internship with New Hampshire 业务es for Social Responsibility (NHBSR)是一家非营利组织,汇集了全州各地的社会责任组织. 她每周在NHBSR远程工作30个小时,同时获得了一个学期的学分.   

She’s earning 12 credits through Semester for Impact, eight from her internship, 还有四个来自社会创新学院的“成为问题解决者”课程. Loto is also taking an economics class for four additional credits, totaling 16 credits for the semester.    

Connections made during her internship also informed Loto about the 主要研究 B Impact Clinic, NHBSR和主要研究之间的合作伙伴关系,允许学生担任区域公司的顾问,以评估其社会和环境影响, which she will participate in during the fall 2025 semester.   

As a Social Innovation Fellow for NHBSR, Loto的主要项目是为企业准备“衡量重要的NH”报告, which requires data analysis and creating charts with Microsoft Excel.      

这些报告是一种实用的评估工具,企业可以用它来根据行业标准对其可持续发展计划进行基准测试, understand their business’ strengths and areas of challenge, and obtain in-depth numerical and visually compelling reports on progress.    

“Companies unable to complete the entire B Impact Assessment, for whatever reason, 可以采取(衡量什么重要)的调查,并要求一个个性化的报告,显示他们如何比较类似的企业在六个不同类别的可持续发展, 以及永利app新版本官网地址如何提高分数的个性化建议.”     

Zeina Eyceoz, program manager at NHBSR, 在Loto实习期间一直指导她,并与她一起分析和解释Measure What Matters调查结果. They review the data, 确定关键趋势和见解,可以为调查人员制定战略决策提供信息, according to Eyceoz.   

“During her time with us, Skye consistently displayed dedication, insight and skill in presenting, analyzing and interpreting data,” Eyceoz says. “她对细节毫不动摇的关注和对工具和资源的彻底探索显著提高了我们报告的质量和全面性, 为会员提供有价值的见解和可行的建议,以促进他们在可持续发展过程中做出明智的决策."  

Loto’s role also includes communicating with businesses through Zoom, 电子邮件 outreach and attending NHBSR events.    

“I love the networking part of my internship,” Loto says. “I recently attended a peer impact networking meeting, 我遇到了来自新罕布什尔州一些大公司的可持续发展专家, and they were incredible.”    

Loto admits that she initially viewed Semester of Impact as a resume builder, 但从那以后,这段经历让她了解了自己,并为未来的职业机会做好了准备. She encourages other students to give the program a look.    

“It’s helped me get that internship experience I was looking for. As a sophomore, I've been very lucky to even have an internship. 能在我很小的时候就受到导师的重视,真是难以置信。”洛托说. “People should absolutely take a chance on Semester for Impact. 联合国大学有很多机会获得现实世界的经验,这是一个很好的选择.”   

乐透彩票, Paul Scholar, has no plans of slowing down once her internship concludes. 今年夏天,她将前往伦敦,在伦敦政治经济学院修一门四学分的课程. 她计划在苏格兰爱丁堡大学留学,并在华盛顿华盛顿中心实习, D.C., in 2025.    

洛托来到保罗学院的初衷是学习金融专业,但由于对经济政策和数学的兴趣,她最终选择了分析经济学. 她选修了政治学这一附加专业,因为她的课程表上有足够的时间, and the two majors represent the intersection of government and economics, both of which fit into her goal of working at the Federal Reserve.    

“I want to help people,” Loto says. “The economy is what makes the world go around, and I want to be able to help keep it as stable as humanly possible.” 

Radames Gonzalez | 彼得T. Paul College of 业务 and Economics